Athlete Interview: Caley Orona

The ACL is crucial for knee stability, a necessity for soccer players for are constantly changing directions. Caley Orona, a current junior at Arcadia High School fell victim to an ACL tear during her sophomore season of soccer. In this interview, she details what her recovery has been like.

  1. How did you get your injury and what did it feel like?

    “I was playing soccer when I tore my ACL. There was no contact, I was just dribbling and tried turning when I felt it pop. There was a sharp pain for a minute, but then it faded and I really didn’t feel major pain until the next day. My knee felt crunchy and it was extremely painful to walk.”

  2. What was your reaction to being told that you tore your ACL?

    “I kinda just cried after being told I tore my ACL. I really had to think about whether or not I wanted to continue playing soccer. I found out I tore it in the locker room before a game so thankfully I had my teammates to comfort me.”

  3. What type of rehab did you do? What was it like?

    “The main thing I worked on before and after surgery was getting my ROM back to normal. I would need to painfully force my knee into flexion and extension so that I could move on and work on strengthening my injured leg. My quad muscles were incredibly weak after surgery so it took a lot of hard work to [regain] my strength.”

  4. How did the ACL tear affect your mentality?

    “I was devastated after tearing my ACL. I couldn’t function normally and I wasn’t able to play the sport I love. However, thanks to my mom and coach, I was able to push through rehab despite the pain I was feeling. I take it day by day and set small goals for myself so I can eventually return to playing.”

  5. What advice would you give to someone going through a major injury?

    “Don’t compare your recovery time to other people. Everyone heals differently, some faster than others, so work at your own pace. Don’t forget to eat healthy and work hard.”

Taking these words to heart, Caley has been pushing through her rehab and is looking to make a return to the pitch during her senior year. We wish her the best and good luck!


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