Emma Wang Emma Wang

The American Diet

The typical American diet is loaded with processed foods and lacks essential nutrients, posing a significant challenge for athletes seeking peak performance. While an athlete's body may be more resistant to such foods, the quality of an athlete's diet remains the cornerstone of their success.

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Aaron Ly Aaron Ly

Breakfast In Athletics

Many athletes often scoff at the assumption that they should eat three meals in a day, including breakfast. But how might this food help us, especially when our bodies have been fasting? Learn more about the value of breakfast here.

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Connor Tolzman Connor Tolzman

Importance of Iron

Spinach, chickpeas, lentils, and even dark chocolate can help you incorporate necessary iron into your diet. However, what's so important about iron and why should we care?

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Yong-Lin Hu Yong-Lin Hu


Metabolism is often misunderstood as a simple on/off weight control switch. However, it is a multi-faceted process involving countless chemical reactions that keep your body functioning.

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Aayush Dhaimade Aayush Dhaimade

Pros and Cons of Gluten-Free Diet on Athletic Performance

Most people whenever they see "gluten-free" on any food will turn the other way, but what actually is "gluten-free" and should it deserve some more respect? Come learn about what gluten-free foods look like and maybe you, will adopt a gluten-free diet yourself.

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Elisha Ostap Elisha Ostap

How Nutrition Can Affect Your Mood

Nutrition is something that is strived by many people, but what really are the benefits of it? Other than a better physical appearance there are many chemical beneficials that come along with a healthy diet. In this article, we will dive into those benefits and why you should focus on your own nutrition.

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Alyssa Acosta Alyssa Acosta

Pescatarian Diet

We're all familiar with diets, but the vast expanse of different diets can often overwhelm us. Pescatarian diets offer a nuanced alternative, suffused with nutrients, protein, and a few shortcomings, all of which are explored in this article.

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Eric Qiu Eric Qiu

Monosodium Glutamate (MSG)

MSG is an acronym associated with Chinese Food, health issues, and Uncle Roger. While to asian cultures it is "the king of flavor" and "the cocaine of cooking", to others it is synonymous with unhealthy junk food. In this article, you'll learn about what MSG is and whether it actually poses a threat to your overall health and athletic performance.

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Brandon Hui Brandon Hui

The Gut Microbiome and How it Affects Athletic Performance

The human gut is home to trillions of microorganisms collectively known as the gut microbiome. This intricate ecosystem plays a crucial role in digestion, immunity, and overall health. Probiotics, living microorganisms, can bolster this ecosystem, benefiting digestive health and beyond.

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Naina Tripathi Naina Tripathi

What to Eat to Prevent Muscle Cramps

Muscle cramps are a common and frustrating experience for athletes of all levels. These involuntary muscle contractions can hinder performance and leave lingering effects. This article explores how a balanced diet can assist in reducing the likelihood of these painful occurrences.

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Yong-Lin Hu Yong-Lin Hu

Different Athlete Diets

Ever wondered how different types of athletes fuel themselves for their respective sport? Would a distance runner be eating the same things as an elite powerlifter. In this article, we will dive in to the intricacies of the diets of various different athletes.

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Bradley Sukwanto Bradley Sukwanto

Diet Changes as We Age

Age is actually an important factor to consider when laying out your diet plans. Adults and children have several crucial differences in metabolism, body development, etc. Read on to find out more!

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Steven Xu Steven Xu

Meal Prep For Athletes

Juggling academics and athletics oftentimes leaves student-athletes with little time for healthy meals that supply them with sufficient nutrients. Meal prepping, however, offers an easy and convenient solution. By preparing meals in advance, athletes can attain their nutrition goals while saving precious time.

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Matthew Mercado Matthew Mercado

How Healthy Are Sports Drinks?

When you exercise, you might feel tempted to grab that bright red, blue or orange energy drink at a gas station before you hit the gym. However, have you ever wondered if these neon drinks even work? Discover the answer in Matthew's article!

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Rohan Joshi Rohan Joshi

The Effects Of Working Out on Keto-Diet

"You are what you eat" is a well-used phrase, but it takes on a whole new meaning for athletes and fitness enthusiasts. Diet directly impacts performance and with the variety of different diets like keto, paleo, and vegan, a crucial question emerges: how do what we eat affect our performance?

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Anna Wang Anna Wang

Artificial Sweeteners

While sugars helps fuel our bodies, especially for athletes when they need a quick energy boost, excessive intake comes with drawbacks. This raises the question - can artificial sweeteners offer a calorie-free alternative without sacrificing taste or performance?

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Aaron Ly Aaron Ly


Ever wondered why some athletes would consume mountains of pasta before a race? Carb-loading is a strategy used to maximize one's energy before a race but is it effective for everyone and all events? In this article, Aaron fleshes out the intricacies and usage of carb-loading!

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Max Chang Max Chang


One unconventional method to deal with fatigue is the spice chemical capsaicin. For more information, see Max's article here.

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Matthew Mercado Matthew Mercado

Foods to Avoid Before Workouts

Nutrition plays a pivotal role in optimizing athletic performance, yet certain foods can be harmful. In this feature, Matthew explores the impact of common preworkout foods and drinks.

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