Athlete Interview: Christopher Tran

Christopher Tran, a current junior at Arcadia High School played basketball for his freshman and sophomore years before transitioning to water polo this past season. However, during his time playing basketball, Chris suffered a partial tear of his Achilles tendon, a crucial tendon for any athlete as it contributes to fundamental actions including running. In this article, Chris details his experience.


  1. What was your injury and how did you get it?

    My injury was a minor Achilles tear. I got it during a basketball game when I didn't stretch before I played.

  2. What was your reaction and mental state immediately after?

    At first, I didn’t think it was that bad until it hurt to walk around. I was mentally defeated at first and didn’t know how to deal with it.

  3. How did you deal with it? what method of treatment did you follow?

    I started with physical treatment with my doctor and continued with it for about 6 months. I had to stretch my Achilles every chance I got and I tried not to put any weight on it.

  4. What has been the long-term effect of your Achilles tear?

    Some of the long-term effects of my injury are that it will hurt a little every now and then. Also, it is weaker than it was before.

  5. What advice would you give to an athlete in a similar situation?

    Some advice I would give is to stretch before and after any exercise to prevent any injury. Also, don't have a bad mentality on your injury and keep thinking that you can get through it.

Chris has effectively moved past this injury, returning to full activity. This past season, he also pivoted to playing water polo, a completely new sport for him, where he made significant progress. We wish Chris the best of luck in the future and he prepares for his senior season this fall.


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