Logan Gao: Breaking 5

The idea of running a mile in under five minutes is an elusive dream for many runners, but for some, it is an attainable goal. Logan Gao, a current sophomore, broke the five-minute mark in the 1600m this track season. In this interview, Logan revisits this huge milestone in his running career.

  1. When did you hit sub 5 for the first time, and at which meet was it?

“The first time I hit sub 5 was at a league meet, at Burbank specifically.”

  1. What were some things you did to prepare for the race?

“For the days leading up to the race, I made sure to get more sleep, as it helped me recover from runs quicker and have more energy for the race. I also made sure to do stretches every night to prevent myself from getting injured. On the day of the race, I stretched, warmed up, and also did drills to make sure I perform as well as possible, while still avoiding injuries.”

  1. Describe how you were feeling leading up to the race.

“I was feeling very excited as I hadn’t gotten too many chances to race this season. I also had a feeling of desperation, as I really wanted to break 5 at the time. Despite this, I never felt too stressed or serious about it.”

  1. What was going through your mind during the race?

“I was just thinking about how to pass other people, and also trying to calculate how fast I’d need to go. By the end of the race, I was dying and wasn’t thinking very much at all. The only thing I could focus on was finishing.”

  1. How was your physical and mental state after crossing the finish line? Did you feel like you gave your best effort?

“After finishing the race, I felt super relieved to be done, and also felt proud of myself for finally getting over such a large mental block. I wasn’t feeling that sore, however, which was good as I still had to race a 3200 later that day.”

  1. What are some tips for anyone trying to PR on their next 1600?

“I would suggest being aggressive, and go for the PR if you feel good. If you think you can pass someone or speed up, don’t second guess yourself and go for it. It’s better to give it your all and finish the race dying then to hold back and have regret later about not trying hard enough.”

Logan will continue to chase PRs as he develops his strength and speed in running. This upcoming cross country season, he will continue to strive to improve as he becomes eligible to compete in varsity races. His goal for this upcoming year is to run 16:10 in the 3 mile for cross country and 4:37 in the 1600m for Track and Field. Until then, Logan will be putting in the work in the summer to yield some massive results during the season.


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