How Do I Deal With Uncooperative Teammates?


Uncooperative teammates are those unwilling to contribute their best effort to the team. They can be found anywhere, even in sports that focus on the individual, such as tennis and track. They’re almost akin to the grudging coworker stereotype, which makes it important to learn how to handle them successfully in both the athletic and the corporate world. A good team requires supportive teammates and capable leadership, but the aspect that sets successful ones apart is their ability to quickly and effectively deal with a bad teammate. They may drag down morale and hinder team success, but how can we deal with it? 

Understanding The Teammate

In order to better deal with the situation, we have to first identify the cause as to why the teammate is uncooperative. They may have differing expectations or work ethic, personal stress, insecurities, internal conflict, etc. Although the term is coined the “uncooperative teammate”, there is never truly an uncooperative teammate. There are various reasons attributing to this nature, but their presence underscores their willingness to still participate. Try to understand their reasoning and get to know them better as a way to foster better communication.

Dealing With The Situation

The best approach is one with a calm and respectful manner. Don’t ostracize or ignore your teammate, as that can create an atmosphere of tension. When you approach your teammate, try to do it discreetly so as to not pressure them. Be empathetic when addressing concerns on their behavior and effects on the team. Explain how they are harming the team and convey your expectations for them. Don’t put the blame on them; you want to resolve the issue while still maintaining team cohesion.


An uncooperative teammate is, in truth, a veiled test to the team's resilience, and it is crucial to address this situation attentively. In doing so, teams can capitalize on this experience to catalyze further team growth. When each member has addressed their issues together, it reduces the chances of member fallout. Being a great team is not just about winning competitions; it is about effectively involving every team member both on and off the field.


How Can You Maintain a Positive Attitude When Dealing with Difficult Teammates? Accessed 11 Mar. 2024.

“The Thriving Workplace: How to Deal with Difficult Employees.” Marquette, 4 Aug. 2022,


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