Should Athletes Work Out Twice Per Day?

Usually, all of us approach fitness with a “bigger is better” mindset. The more healthy foods we eat, the more we sleep, and the more we work out, the better. Working out induces muscular growth and calorie burning, and thus working out twice as often must be healthy and lead to optimal gains. However, this could prove false. 

Working out excessively could lead to complications with muscular function and recovery. The type of workout and its intensity can greatly affect the advantages of exercising two times a day. For example, those engaging in light exercise are less likely to experience the consequences of overworking themselves.

Benefits of Exercise Twice Per Day

  1. Increased Muscular Strength

Exercising twice per day has the primary benefit of building muscular strength at a higher rate than previously before. Over time, exercising once more per day causes greater muscle growth.

  1. Increased Muscular Endurance

Exercising multiple times per day would lead to better muscular endurance. Specifically, athletes participating in aerobic workouts (i.e. running, swimming, biking) will develop greater stamina after completing more exercises every day. 

Increased Calorie Burning

Another main benefit is that you are more activeduring the day. This elevates your heart rate for a longer period, thus burning off more calories within a single day.

  1. Diverse Range of Available Exercises

Another benefit of exercising twice per day is that there are more possible exercises to perform. Athletes who work out multiple times daily will have more time to complete a wider range of exercises, leading to a more well-rounded experience and physique.

  1. Decreased Chance of Not Exercising

To those with poor motivation for going to the gym, having two workout sessions increases the chances that they will go and exercise, due to a greater commitment being invested.

Problems with Twice-a-Day Exercise 

  1. Decreased Muscular Repair

One major issue with working out twice a day is poor muscle repair. While exercising, little microtears form on the muscle fibers, which the body repairs to make them stronger. With repeated stress, the body is unable to rebuild muscle fibers.

  1. Harder to Schedule Around

While you may be more likely to go to the gym, the rest of your life can fall behind if you go to the gym too often. This doubled time commitment reaches up to two to three hours, taking critical time out of some people’s day.

  1. Increased Fatigue​​ and Risk of Injury

After working out multiple times per day, the body will be tired and need to sleep much longer than one may be accustomed to, or about eight to nine hours of consistent sleep. 

Additionally, excessive workouts can also lead to self-injury if done incorrectly. Working out under excessive soreness and fatigue, especially, may increase this risk of injury.


The disadvantages of working out multiple times per week should not be understated, as they can lead to poor muscle growth and injury. However, for athletes competing in aerobic sports, working out twice daily may be beneficial, due to heightened stamina, increased calorie burning, and greater strength.


Amber Sayer. “Should You Work out Twice a Day?”, 4 Sept. 2022, Accessed 24 Aug. 2024.

Klein, Sarah. “The Pros and Cons of Working out Twice a Day—and How to Do It without Burning Out.” @Onepeloton, Peloton Interactive, 13 May 2024, Accessed 24 Aug. 2024.

“Should You Work out Twice a Day?” Heartland Soccer, 3 Feb. 2023, Accessed 24 Aug. 2024. Accessed 24 Aug. 2024.

“The Pros and Cons of Working out Twice a Day.” Verywell Fit, Accessed 24 Aug. 2024.

“Working out Twice a Day: Pros & Cons | Ultimate Tips for Fitness.” MYFITAPE, 26 June 2022, Accessed 24 Aug. 2024.


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