Social Media’s Mental Effects On Athletes

Social media has become an integral part of our world, transforming the way information is consumed. But what does this mean for athletes? And more importantly, how does this impact their mental health? Let's further explore what kind of impact social media has on an athlete's mental health.

The impact with social media on athletes

The impact of social media on an athlete's mental health presents a dichotomy of both positives and negatives. Through large social media platforms such as Facebook or Instagram, athletes, specifically professional athletes, are given the unprecedented opportunity to self promote themselves and their brand. Athletes that have a large fan base may also feel a sense of accomplishment and proudness for the hard work they put in. However, this too can act negatively, by putting pressure on the athletes, creating fear that they are failing their fans if they fail to perform at their best. In addition, by exposing particularly young athletes to athletes more accomplished than them, young athletes may begin to compare themselves and others, leading to a feeling of jealousy.

Positives of social media

Some more positives social media may bring to athletes mental health may include:

- Increased motivation

- Valuable inspiration

- Allowing athletes to raise awareness on issues relating to mental health

- Allowing well established athletes to open up about their personal experiences and educate younger athletes on issues such as mental health

- Build powerful connections with teammates, and coaches

- Access to resources through following mental health experts, influencers, etc

- Allowing athletes to receive recognition for their achievements

Negatives of social media

Some more negatives social media may bring to athletes mental health may include:

- An athlete feeling left out if another athlete made it to a higher level but they were unable to

-Disagreements and arguments between athletes may start or continue through social media

-Bullying from haters

-Privacy invasion of well established athletes

- addiction to social media may contribute to irregular sleep schedules that can affect an athlete’s mental health

-misinformation and rumors spreading about well established athletes

What can be done if you are experiencing trouble with social media as an athlete?

While social media could very well affect your mental health negatively as an athlete, there are many things that can be done, depending on your situation such as:

- blocking people that negatively affect you

- taking a break from social media

- looking to your accomplishments rather than what you aren’t able to do yet

- consult mental health experts

- monitor and filter comments


The impact of social media on athletes' mental health is complex. While different platforms provide athletes with the opportunity for connection and self expression, they may also on the other hand act as a double edged sword to some athletes, by impacting them negatively through the pressure it may bring. However, it is important to focus on mental health and make adjustments to social media usage that would benefit yourself mentally.


"They may feel pressured performance: A critical narrative analysis of athlete self-presentation on social media." Journal of Applied Sport Psychology, vol. 32, no. 1, 2020, pp. 10-12.,1%2C%2010%2C%2012%5D.

"Social Media on Athletes' Mental Wellness." Get Physical,'%20Mental%20Wellness.

"Social Media: Positively and Negatively Affects Athletes' Mental Health." Spartan Shield,

"Social Media for Athletes." Greenfly Blog,


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