The Grindset

The grindset, a common saying within the sports community, has been surging in popularity, becoming prevalent amongst teenagers since 2022. Let’s break down the meaning behind it and determine its worth.

What’s the Grindset?

In general, the grindset, like the name implies, is a mindset heavily geared towards grinding out tasks and performing with near perfection to attain certain goals. It promotes a strong work ethic, resilience, and constant discipline. This belief system has easily made its way to the sports community, seeing how training and performance is vital to every activity.

Additionally, the grindset is also made up of a set of values it constantly promotes, all included below:

  1. Strong work ethic

The grindset does a complete 180° on habits of procrastination and low marks, instead idolizing those who put in 100%of their efforts into achieving their goals. In an athletic context, a strong work ethic can be seen as:

  • Never skipping practice

  • Competing in all tournaments/competitions available

  • Always giving one’s best and honest effort all the time

  • Constantly working towards one’s goals

2. Resilience/Adaptability

Facing obstacles will always be a part of life, and the grindset seeks to acknowledge and prepare people for them. For athletes, they can include the following:

  • Plateauing in progress

  • Loss of motivation

  • Loss of a game

  • Loss streaks

  • Unforeseen circumstances (e.g. a coach change or event cancelation)

  • Not seeing desired results

The grindset also seeks to prevent athletes from being distracted by setbacks and obstacles. This is ultimately done to prompt the process of letting go and moving forward towards an individual’s goals.


While the grindset does promote a set of mostly beneficial values, its implementation doesn’t always turn out as expected. The grindset can promote the idea of constant work, which can be mentally draining to most people. The process of working without breaks can be mentally fatiguing, seen when athletes go into burnout, a state of mental exhaustion and depletion.

This is even more prevalent amongst student athletes, who have to juggle both their sport and their academic commitments.


The grindset in itself is not a bad thing but it can lead to dangerous side effects. Nevertheless, most athletes can still promote the positive values derived from the methodology whilst incorporating mental breaks and resets. This maintains balance in their lives and allows them to continue striving for success.


“Grindset: Characteristics, Problems, and How to Overcome It.” wikiHow, wikiHow, 7 Mar. 2024,

“What Is the Grindset and How Do I Overcome It?” Resilience Institute,,Defining%20Grindset,it%20takes%20on%20our%20lives. Accessed 9 Mar. 2024.

Radford, Jake. “The Sigma Male Grindset: A New Paradigm for Success and Personal Growth.” Medium, Medium, 9 Aug. 2023,

McGall, Sarah. “The Grind: An Athlete’s Perspective, an Athlete’s Approach.” CONNECT, 3 Feb. 2021,


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