Mental Health Benefits of Sports for Youths

You might remember playing four-square, soccer, or handball on the playground as a kid. You might have even been on a youth sports team. Sports are a fun, engaging way for kids to stay healthy. What effect do sports have on the mental well-being of children? How does being active as a kid affect adolescence and adulthood?

Sports vs. Stress:

Exercise is known to mitigate stress by reducing cortisol levels, a stress-causing hormone. In addition, exercise releases endorphins and increases serotonin levels, leading to a mood boost. Kids who are going through rough experiences in their personal lives may find an escape in sports. Participating in sports has been shown to reduce stress and anxiety, even in a single session. 

Long-term participation in sports has been found to have similar effectiveness as medication when it comes to fighting depression. According to family medicine physician Dr. Soroosh Amanat, MD, “Participation in youth team sports has been linked with lower rates of depression and anxiety, along with a reduced risk of suicide and substance abuse,” and additionally “more time playing sports means less time on social media, which has been proven to be detrimental to the well-being of kids and adolescents.”

Teamwork and Social Skills:

 Being part of a team is something that often comes with participating in youth sports. In team sports, kids learn how to cooperate and synergize with others. Additionally, they can build social skills that will benefit them in other aspects of life. Especially for kids who struggle with interaction or regulating their emotions, sports can provide an environment where they can practice resolving issues and managing frustrations with others. Spending time with others and socializing is a good way to improve mental health and form meaningful connections that may last for years.

Accomplishment and Confidence:

Sports can help instill confidence in young athletes and improve their self-esteem. In team sports, kids can feel like they are contributing to the success of their team. Health and sport/performance psychologist Dr. Matthew Sacco, PhD, explains that when “everyone has a responsibility, kids learn to rely on others for their particular strengths and skills.” Working toward a common goal and the sense of accomplishment kids experience in sports can be very rewarding and crucial for their sense of self-worth.

Adolescence and Adulthood:

Being active as a kid can provide mental health benefits later in life. A 2019 study of 9668 individuals published by JAMA Pediatrics found that for those who experienced adversity as children, participation in team sports was associated with better mental health in adulthood. A study published in the Journal of Adolescent Health found that students in grades 8-12 who partake in team sports have better mental health as young adults as well as less stress. In addition, the skills and practices learned through sports can be applied in adolescence and adulthood.


In short, sports are an excellent way for kids to reduce stress, build teamwork, and establish confidence. The psychological benefits of youth sports have lasting effects in adulthood. However, it’s important for kids to not overdo it and for parents not to push them too far. After all, sports are meant to be fun and something you are passionate about, regardless of your age.


Easterlin, Molly C., et al. “Team Sports Participation and Long-Term Mental Health in Individuals with Adverse Childhood Experiences.” JAMA Pediatrics, JAMA Network, 1 July 2019,

“Play Ball! Team Sports Are Good for Kids’ Mental Health.” Cleveland Clinic, Cleveland Clinic, 8 Dec. 2023,

“Why Are Youth Sports Programs Important?” Scripps Health, 16 Mar. 2023,


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