Time Management

Everyday physical actions can impact which parts of your body may experience pain and injury, depending on the sports and types of movements involved. It’s important to pay attention to your body as things can easily be overlooked and ignored. People especially tend to ignore the tightness of their elbow as it is not a common injury and may lead them to believe that it will easily resolve on its own if it does occur.

Understanding the Importance of Time Management:

Being a successful student-athlete is dependent on your ability to balance commitments. Between practices, classes, studying sessions, and competitions, you will consistently be unable to find time for anything. However, with the correct approach, you can manage your time in a way that maximizes efficiency and minimizes stress.

Prioritizing Tasks:

The most important step is being able to identify your priorities and plan for them accordingly. To identify your priorities, figure out which tasks are necessary for academic success, athletic performance, and personal well-being. By weighing what you deem most important and focusing your attention on that particular critical task, you can ensure that you're allocating your time effectively.

Create a Schedule:

Having a schedule is essential to managing your time effectively. A simple planner, calendar app, or scheduling tool (such as Notion) to map out your commitments could minimize the time you are wasting. Ensure to include your classes, practices, games, homework, and study sessions, as well as personal activities. By time blocking (setting aside a certain amount of time for a particular task), you can be most organized and efficient, as well as be flexible if needed.

Break Down Goals:

Break down your goals into smaller steps. Doing this forces you to plan out how you want to achieve your goal, as well as makes your progress easier to track. It also makes each task less intimidating, so it would take far less time and effort to complete. With this consistent approach, you will reach your goals in no time! 

Saying No:

As an athlete with a massive amount of time commitments, it's necessary to recognize your limits and avoid overcommitting yourself. While it can be tempting to go out with your friends or take on even more difficult classes, being able to say no to these will allow you to keep balance in your life. By doing so, you will be able to complete your current responsibilities with far higher quality and prevent burnout.


Being a student-athlete and managing time effectively do not go hand in hand. Only discipline, consistency, and planning will allow you to spend your time effectively. By prioritizing tasks, creating a schedule, breaking down goals, and learning to say no, you can optimize your productivity and achieve success both inside and outside of sports. Finding the right balance will take time, but with these skills, you can master time management and thrive.


“5 Time Management Strategies for Student Athletes.” Sports Management Degree Guide, www.sports-management-degrees.com/lists/5-time-management-strategies-for-student-athletes/#:~:text=5%20Strategies%20to%20Help%20Student-Athletes%20with%20Time%20Management. Accessed 28 Feb. 2024.

Andrejs. “18 Practical Time Management Hacks for Athletes and Busy People.” The Athlete Blog, 31 Mar. 2020, theathleteblog.com/time-management-hacks-for-athletes/.

“How to Manage Time as a Student-Athlete | North Central College.” Www.northcentralcollege.edu, www.northcentralcollege.edu/news/2021/09/15/how-manage-time-student-athlete.

Mole, Gareth. “Time Management for Athletes and Coaches - a Key Mental Skill.” Condor Performance, 4 Feb. 2020, condorperformance.com/time-managment/.


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