The Secret of Interval Running

Interval running is an effective way for runners to improve various aspects of their performance in a shorter period compared to other training methods. It is a straightforward, efficient, and accessible workout. So, how can you start interval running?

What is interval running?

Interval running is a workout where a runner alternates between high-intensity and low-intensity running to allow for recovery. The high-intensity segments push you to your limit, fostering growth and improvement as a runner, while the low-intensity segments provide active recovery, keeping you moving while allowing your body to recuperate. Interval running can be adapted in various ways, making it accessible to runners of all skill levels.

Types of interval running:

There are many different types of interval running, such as fartlek training (if you don’t know what a fartlek is, you can read Fartleks by Head Writer Max Chang), run-walk intervals, and hill training. Interval running is a versatile workout suitable for runners of all experience levels. There are even more interval running methods beyond those mentioned in this article, so if none of these options suit you, there are additional variations you can explore.

How to start interval running:

To start interval running, you should first determine which method best suits you. For example, if you choose run-walk intervals, you could set your running and walking durations—such as running for two minutes and walking for one minute. Completing this cycle once counts as one repetition, and it is recommended to complete around ten repetitions.

It's important to warm up adequately based on the intensity of your workout. For instance, the run-walk method may only require a five-minute warm-up, while a more intense interval run may require up to fifteen minutes. Similarly, always finish your workout with a cooldown. If you follow the run-walk interval method, a five-minute cooldown is recommended. Both warm-ups and cooldowns should consist of light, easy jogging.

The benefits of interval running:

Interval running offers numerous benefits, making it an exceptional workout. According to Nike, interval running is highly flexible in duration, allowing you to tailor it to your needs, unlike other types of runs with more rigid structures. Additionally, interval running helps build fitness, burns more calories than steady-state running, introduces variety into your training routine, and improves overall running pace.


Interval running is a valuable workout for runners looking to enhance their performance. Its numerous benefits make it a worthwhile addition to any training regimen. With its variety of methods, interval running is an accessible and effective workout for runners of all levels.


Robinson, Roger. “A Guide to Interval Training.” Runner’s World, Hearst, 1 May 2005,

Lister, Eric. “Interval Running 101: What It Is, Why It Works, and How to Get Started.” Dynamic Runner, 19 June 2024,

Nike. “Interval Training Running Benefits.”, Nike,


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