Tempo Runs

What is a tempo run

Tempo runs are a type of running workout that involves sustained effort at a comfortably hard pace, typically faster than your easy or conversational pace and a lot slower than a sprint. Tempo runs are often done at a pace that is challenging but sustainable for an extended period of time, typically ranging from 10 minutes or several miles depending on your fitness level and training goals.

Benefits of tempo running for runners

Improvement in lactate threshold:
The purpose of a tempo run is to improve your lactate threshold, which is the point at which your body starts to accumulate lactate faster than it can clear it away. By running at this pace, you train your body to become more efficient at clearing lactate and sustaining a faster pace for longer periods of time.

Aerobic benefits:
Tempo runs are also an effective way to increase aerobic capacity, which is the ability of the body to take in, transport, and utilize oxygen during exercise. Running at a sustained, moderately hard pace for an extended period of time challenges the body and stimulates it so that it will improve oxygen delivery to the muscles.

Mental strength:
In addition, tempo runs, due to their longer period of time with no break as opposed to interval training, also may challenge an athlete’s mental strength and help the athlete better deal with fatigue and get used to the feeling of it, helping build mental resilience. 

Tempo runs can be physically demanding, especially when done at a quick pace. Overdoing tempo runs or not allowing enough recovery between sessions can increase the risk of overtraining, leading to fatigue, decreased performance, and an elevated risk of injury.

They really hurt:
Tempo runs may be really challenging for some people due to lack of rest taken when doing them, especially for some select individuals who are better at shorter distance races as opposed to longer ones. Sometimes the thought before running a tempo run for athletes may be mentally draining to them.

In conclusion, tempo runs are a valuable training tool that can help athletes improve their lactate threshold, aerobic capacity, and mental toughness. However, like any training method, they come with potential drawbacks. It's important to be careful and prioritize proper recovery after these long rigorous workouts to minimize risk of injury as much as possible. 


"Tempo Running: What It Is and How to Do It." Runner's World, www.runnersworld.com/uk/training/a773601/what-is-tempo-running-and-how-do-i-do-it/.

"What Is a Tempo Run? - The Run Experience." The Run Experience, therunexperience.com/what-is-a-tempo-run/.

"Tempo Running: The Benefits and How to Do It." Nike.com, www.nike.com/a/tempo-running-workout-benefits?cid=4942550&cp=usns_aff_nike__PID_100357191_Microsoft+Shopping+%28Bing+Rebates%2C+Coupons%2C+etc.%29&cjevent=ab8349b6fb9f11ee82ab02140a1cb82b.


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