Athlete Interview: Cecily Lu

Hamstring injuries involve a quick pulling or straining of the muscle, creating a popping noise. Swelling or tenderness of the muscle is common and sometimes there can be bruising and discoloration (Ecchymosis). Some people may experience muscle weakness and be unable to put weight onto the affected leg.

  1. Give a quick introduction to who you are and what sports you play.

    My name is Cecily Lu, I am a current sophomore in high school (15 years old) and [I] currently do martial arts and dance.

  2. Which injury did you have and how did you get it?

    I had a hamstring [strain] in my left leg that I got from landing in a split from a jump in martial arts, namely a tornado kick. It had been bothering me slightly for a few weeks but I ignored it for fear of disappointing my teacher until it was too late.

  3. What were your reactions when you found out you injured yourself?

    I remember he sent me out for a while to relax and just practice movements that didn’t involve my legs when he realized I had hurt myself. I cried there in the lobby because I immediately knew something was wrong and I couldn’t even put weight on my left leg. Despite this, I was more frustrated than I was sad.

  4. What did you do to recover?

    I spent a lot of time limping around and trying not to engage the muscle for a long time afterward. I tried icing it and after a month or two I began using gentle massages to stimulate the area. When the massages became more comfortable I began lightly exercising it. I started with bodyweight exercises, from pressing my left heel into the ground while lying down to doing bridges on my bed. From there I began using weights at the gym by doing hamstring curls to regain my lost strength.

  5. How are you doing now?

    I injured myself in early January and it is now late December and I have mostly recovered. I have lost some flexibility in my left leg and it always starts bothering me again when I try practicing the jump into the split too much, but other than that it has returned to normal. I still try not to overdo things with my left leg in class.

Hamstring injuries usually occur in people who play sports that involve sprinting with sudden stops and starts. This can include soccer, basketball, football, and tennis. Hamstring injuries can occur in runners and dancers as well. Usually self-care, icing, and rest are all that's needed to relieve the pain and begin recovery. After icing for a while, Cecily did simple exercises and went to the gym to help rebuild her strength.


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