Athlete Interview: Emma Chen

Meet Emma Chen, currently a player for Arcadia High School’s JV Girls Basketball Team. Being a student-athlete has been a part of her career, as she has been playing basketball since the fourth grade. This impressive commitment does not come without a cost: a history of injuries. Specifically, Emma has persistently experienced sprained ankles during her time playing basketball. In this article, Emma provides details of her experience.

Pictured on the left is Emma Chen

  1. What injury did you get and how/when did you get it?

    My first injury was a sprained ankle on my left foot, and this occurred back in middle school. I believe I got it during basketball, and it was from one of the girls on the opposing team. One of the girls had stepped on my foot when I was jumping to shoot. I didn’t give it much time to recover, as I had games and practice in the following weeks. So, about 5 weeks later, I sprained the same ankle again. Then, in 9th and 10th grade, I sprained my right ankle. I didn’t give them a lot of recovery time, so I sprained my ankles very easily.

  2. What was your attitude towards the injury and the sport as a whole? Was it positive or negative and why?

    Initially, my attitude was that the injury was such an inconvenience since I could barely walk. However, I knew that basketball is a contact sport, so getting injuries is inevitable. I believe my perspective was more on the negative side because I still needed to return to school, and performing daily activities became a hassle.

  3. How did you cope with the injury, and what steps did you take in order to recover from it?

    To cope with the injury, I accepted the fact that getting injured was inevitable. I decided to move on and be more careful next time. In terms of recovery, I only had about 3-4 days, but I was back to playing basketball. During those recovery days, I tried to stay off my foot as much as possible and wore a brace. Additionally, my mom performed acupuncture, which I believe helped expedite the recovery process.

  4. What advice would you give to other athletes who experience similar injuries?

    The advice I would give is to allow ankle sprains the time they need to recover. I never did, so now I have a tendency to sprain very easily. Although you might think you are missing out, I believe, in the long run, it’s beneficial.

Despite encountering various obstacles, Emma remains steadfast in her determination to pursue her basketball career without falling to injuries. Presently, she is focused on maintaining her physical fitness, an aspect that will contribute to her excellent performance during tough practices and allow her to give her absolute best in important games. Wishing you continued success, Emma!


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