Dairy in Athletics
Milk has been a household staple for centuries. It can be processed into a variety of products that are found everywhere, from mac and cheese to ice cream sandwiches. These products are known as dairy. But what makes dairy so special? How useful is it for athletes? Let’s look closer at dairy and its role in athletics.
Omega-3 Fatty Acids
Omega-3 Fatty Acids are essential nutrients for athletes as they have several vital properties that can help boost an athlete’s performance. Here’s Justin with the details.
Pre-Workout Nutrition
When a car runs out of gas, it stalls. The same goes for the human body. It is essential for athletes to take in the proper nutrients to provide themselves with the energy they need for workouts. Here’s Banghao to take us through pre-workout nutrition.
What to Eat on Game Day
An age old question for athletes is what to eat before games. The pre-game butterflies and other dietary preferences can play a huge role in proper nutrition and optimal performance. With this in mind, here’s Yong-Lin with some suggestions.
Potassium and Muscle Cramps
Have you ever had one of your calf muscles lock, inducing seconds or even minutes of excruciating pain? Muscle cramps are incredibly common, but potassium just might be the secret to defeating them. Read Tatiana's article to find out more.
Common Nutritional Problems In Athletes
While many athletes understand the vital importance on working on their physical skills, some athletes overlook another vital aspect of their performance: Nutrition. As such, they sometimes find themselves having nutritional problems. Read on as Ziad explains what some of them are.
What to Eat for Weight Loss
For many people, weight loss is a critical goal. However, some people may not know what to eat or where to start. In this article, Yong-Lin breaks down what foods are optimal for those looking to lose weight.
Do Hydration Mixes Actually Work?
Hydration mixes are a popular item for many athletes as it helps provide them with electrolytes and improves their hydration. But do they actually work and what makes the best hydration mix? (Spoiler alert: they kinda work) Read on to find out.
How Junk Food Affects Athletes
Junk food: sometimes the first thing athletes want to eat after a long day of school and practice is a piece of junk food. But did you know that junk food is extremely bad for athletes? Well, probably, but there’s much more to it. Here’s Bradley to break it down.
How Carbs Affect an Athlete's Performance
Does Whole 30 actually work? Do I need to go onto some carb-restrictive diet and is it actually good for me? Well turns out, there’s no simple answer. The difference between good carbs and bad carbs can help solve that question. Read on to find out.