Commotio Cordis
While rare, commotio cordis is extremely serious, as demonstrated by the Damar Hamlin incident. Commotio cordis is a heart condition caused by blunt force trauma, causing the athlete to fall into cardiac arrest. Here’s Nathan to break it down.
Rib Injuries
We don't often pay attention to our rib cages, but they're just as susceptible to injury as the rest of our body. In this article, Justin highlights this often overlooked region and explores recovery, prevention, and symptoms of rib injuries.
Scaphoid Fracture
The scaphoid is one of the many carpal bones in the hand. It lies just proximal to the metacarpals and is situated so that it touches the radius. In this article, Jathan breaks down what it’s like to break the scaphoid.
Alternative Treatments for Injuries
In athletics, staying on the field is half the battle. As such, athletes will experiment with various treatments to help boost their recovery and optimize their performance. In this article, Yong-Lin breaks down some of these methods.
New: Hamstring Strains
For many athletes, hamstring strains are extremely painful and can leave them sidelined for weeks. In this article, Tatiana breaks down how athletes can avoid them and possible risk factors.
Hammer Toe
Discover the surprising world of hammer toes – a condition impacting agility and movement, especially in athletes. Dive into its anatomy, causes like tight shoes and high heels, symptoms, and effective treatments. Learn preventive measures, including proper shoe sizing and soft insoles. Explore precautions to avoid hammer toes and other deformities. Get insights from medical sources for comprehensive understanding and proactive management. Keep your feet healthy and pain-free!
Patellar Tendinitis
For many athletes, patellar tendinitis is a very real risk that can severely hinder their ability to perform on the field. In this article, Aayan breaks down what patellar tendinitis is, how it affects athletes, and how to mitigate the risk of getting it.
Shoulder Dislocations
Usually when you see a shoulder dislocation you think “dang, that looks pretty bad.” While it can be, shoulder dislocations may not be as damaging as you think. To understand this, we need to dive into what a shoulder dislocation is. Tatiana breaks it down in this article.
Jammed Fingers
So what is a jammed finger? Jammed fingers can be excruciatingly painful and frustrating. For many athletes, being sidelined by a jammed finger is their worst nightmare. They aren’t seriously injured but still are out of the game.
Thoracic Outlet Syndrome
Unveil the challenges of Thoracic Outlet Syndrome (TOS) in athletes through Joey Laurer's journey. Explore the anatomy of the thoracic outlet and understand the three main types of TOS. Delve into the diverse symptoms, causes, and diagnostic methods, shedding light on the complexity of this condition. Get informed about TOS and consult a medical professional for personalized advice.
Tennis Elbow
Like its namesake, tennis elbow manifests primarily in tennis players. However, it can still be found in other sports. The condition itself is painful and can severely hinder an athlete’s performance. In this article, Justin breaks it down.
Muscle Cramps/Spasms
Unfortunately, cramps are a reality in sports. They are painful and can leave you off to the sidelines for the rest of the day. But what are they? Matthew breaks it down.
Rotator Cuff Injuries: A General Overview
The dreaded rotator cuff tear. Although somewhat rare, they are extremely painful and can prove inconvenient. But what is it? Here, Bradley breaks it down.
Heat-Related Injuries
In hot and warm environments, exposure to heat leaves athletes at perpetual risk for heat-related injuries throughout the sports world. The symptoms and drawbacks of heat-related injuries can range from minor heat cramps to extreme heat stroke which can be life-threatening at times. As Jathan dives into the world of heat, check out for important information!