Pushing Past The Pain Barrier
Max Chang Max Chang

Pushing Past The Pain Barrier

Maintaing sufficient stamina and focus near the end of a race is one of the most challenging aspects of being a track and field athlete. Read on as Max takes us through the biology of the situation and provides tips on how to deal with diminished stamina and focus.

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Aggressive Coaching
Eric Qiu Eric Qiu

Aggressive Coaching

Are aggressive coaches good for athletes? How does their methodology of coaching impact athletic performance on the field? Read on to find out.

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Performance Anxiety
Evan Tam Evan Tam

Performance Anxiety

Performance anxiety is a major issue throughout the world of sports. Evan delves into the intricacies and mechanisms behind sports, mental health and anxiety.

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Peer Pressure
Tatiana Sarkis Tatiana Sarkis

Peer Pressure

Peer pressure affects everyone negatively, and athletes are no different. In this article, Tatiana gives advice on the topic and demonstrates the influence it holds.

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Quality Teammates and Their Traits
Matthew Mercado Matthew Mercado

Quality Teammates and Their Traits

Display of good qualities from a teammate helps motivate others to follow the same values, which can even transcend beyond the sport to their personal lives. In this article, Matthew introduces what some of the good qualities are and their benefits for the individual and their team.

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The Mentality of Rocky
Aaron Ly Aaron Ly

The Mentality of Rocky

Discover Rocky Balboa's legendary mindset, transcending the ring to inspire athletes worldwide. Learn to persevere through challenges, embracing the spirit of "going in one more round" and "going the distance." Whether in sports or life's hurdles, unlock timeless wisdom for relentless determination and resilience.

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Overcoming Grief
Banghao Li Banghao Li

Overcoming Grief

Explore the Impact of Loss on Athletes' Mental Health and Performance. Discover how grief can affect athletes emotionally, leading to decreased performance and motivation. Learn coping mechanisms and how coaches can support athletes through this challenging journey.

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Yingchi Xiao Yingchi Xiao


Mental and physical health are among the various challenges any athlete must overcome. However, they become especially prominent when one nears retirement. This article covers all the vital aspects of retirement, from contributing factors to what comes after.

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Body Dysmorphia
Eric Qiu Eric Qiu

Body Dysmorphia

Many athletes have dealt with some form of body dysmorphia, whether that be about their performance or their self-image. In this article, Eric combats such beliefs with an empowering message about how to improve.

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Yoga & Meditation to Cope With Stress in Athletes
Tatiana Sarkis Tatiana Sarkis

Yoga & Meditation to Cope With Stress in Athletes

Student athletes not only have to deal with academic challenges but also have to endure pressure to perform well in their respective sports. In this article, Tatiana enumerates a myriad of ways yoga and meditation can help benefit oneself.

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Getting Comfortable With Discomfort
Bradley Sukwanto Bradley Sukwanto

Getting Comfortable With Discomfort

Ever given up on a workout simply because the discomfort is too much? Alas, worry no more, for Bradley here exhibits new methods to deal with the pain and make exercises more manageable.

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Relaxation In Running
Evan Tam Evan Tam

Relaxation In Running

Ever felt that gut-wrenching feeling of anxiety right before your race? Does it cause your whole body to tense up, ultimately making you feel sluggish while running and resulting in a worse time than expected? In this article, Evan delves into the psychology of running relaxed and how it may improve your performance.

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The Grindset
Bradley Sukwanto Bradley Sukwanto

The Grindset

All across social media, people have been sharing their commitment to "the grindset." But what is it? Here, Bradley delves into the mysterious topic and evaluates if it's good to follow.

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The Connection Between Exercise and Mental Health
Banghao Li Banghao Li

The Connection Between Exercise and Mental Health

Mental health is one benefit of exercise that is often overlooked. In this article, Banghao explores the advantages that exercise brings not only to one's mental health but also to other aspects such as social life and cognitive function.

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Growth Mindset In Sports
Aaron Ly Aaron Ly

Growth Mindset In Sports

There are two types of athletes: those with a fixed mindset, and those always striving to grow. With a growth mindset, the opportunity for success opens up. In this artlcle, Aaron explores the merits of maintaining a growth mindset.

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Time Management
Justin Liao Justin Liao

Time Management

As student-athletes, it is often hard to manage rigorous training schedules, academic commitments, and personal responsibilities. For success inside and outside of sports, athletes must have superb time management. In this article, we'll explore strategies to help athletes balance their time, be more productive, and have a healthy work-life-sport balance.

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The Effects of Competition
Matthew Mercado Matthew Mercado

The Effects of Competition

In the thrilling atmosphere of sports, competition is an integral component of the reason athletes love showing up on the field, court, or track. It is a natural part of sports that holds a variety of effects that can be both positive and negative for an athlete. With a healthy approach to competition, athletes can work to build confidence, perfect their skills, and develop their performance. This article will delve into the effects of competition on athletes, including both its pros and cons in mental and physical aspects.

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Pressure and Performance
Yong-Lin Hu Yong-Lin Hu

Pressure and Performance

For months on end, athletes prepare for the big game, where stakes are high and pressure even higher. Yet no matter how much practice precedes the defining moment, nerves will kick in and affect performance, for better or worse.

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The Psychology Behind Training Till Failure
Ziad Al-Zubair Ziad Al-Zubair

The Psychology Behind Training Till Failure

A phrase that is often repeated in the gym is “push to failure.” The methodology of training till failure has been a major part of bodybuilding throughout its history. But is it actually good? Here’s Ziad to take us through it.

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